Tuesday, January 17, 2023

All About Me

   Hello everyone! My name is Rodric, my pronouns are he/him and I am a proud member on the LGBTQAI+ . I am currently in California taking online courses and perusing a degree in Social Work. I have had a passion for drawing ever since I was young. Growing up I never really had time to practice or take time to draw however, I am hoping to practice as much as I can while taking this course. 


I am in love with digital anime/animated art works. I find it fascinating that artist can draw character from themes and ideas and be able to bring those drawing to life through digital programs. I do have a drawing tablet and a software I use to make digital art however, I have not had and time to sit down and practice drawing. Feel free to comment some helpful tips in comment sections. The software program that I use is Krita which is a free software that is very good if any new, beginning artist or low budget artist can use. 

This is the link to the download if anyone is interested. 

And here is a video in Krita if anyone wants to know more about it:

Non Western Blog

Japanese art is something that I have enjoyed through the years it covers a plethora of art styles theses include ancient pottery, sculpture...