Thursday, February 2, 2023

Art Analysis

Smilegate, Epic Seven. “A New Beginning .” Facebook, Smilegate, 18 Aug. 2020, Accessed 2 Feb. 2023.

    One of my favorite games called Epic Seven which was created by Smilegate a gaming company in South Korea. I believe that it has the most dynamic stories that I have ever played in a video game. It has professional animators and artist as well as voice actors for each different character. One of my favorite art pieces made by them was their A New Beginning art work. This art piece was first teased by their social media accounts such as Facebook and Twitter as well as in their side event stories. 

    This art work was created for their second anniversary for the game which was shown on Aug,18 2020 on Facebook. The reasons why I like this piece is that it has very bright tones that can be seen all around the art work. The line work is also very detailed for example the character Ras who is in the middle with white hair and blue eyes, we can see the line work that went into designing his dynamic poses as well as the other characters surrounding him.

     Another thing to note are the colors being used to complement the art work which creates the illusions of liveliness and joy. Furthermore, the graphic art style and the use of characterziation and imaginative and individual


  1. Hi! This art piece is so interesting; I only see a little anime, so this introduced me to a new art style. I like how bright the colors are, but what really sticks out is the contrast used to create different silhouettes.

  2. Hi Rodric, you picked a great piece! I am not familiar with it, but I do have an appreciation for anime style art, as a love Studio Ghibli. I agree with you on the color scheme, the artist's use of color brings out positive emotions when I explore the art piece. The line work as you said is superb and helps to stay true to the style of art. Thank you for sharing this piece and your discussion of it.


Non Western Blog

Japanese art is something that I have enjoyed through the years it covers a plethora of art styles theses include ancient pottery, sculpture...